Saturday, November 22, 2014

New School Year 2014-2015

Well after being gone for a while and not teaching my guidance counseling classes with expressive art…I am excited to say that I am back.  WooHoo!

I do not like that I have over 30 classes that I have to teach from PreK thru 2nd grade…over 430 students.  I have to prepare myself everyday and it is exhausting but I am having fun!

I have been working hard to create lessons that are good from PreK thru 1st and teach a character trait or a social skill AND have a small art project.

Here are some examples
RESPECT = Lesson was about a boy and grandpa walking down the beach and how the boy wanted to save all the starfish that had washed up the shore.  He respected others and nature.
TATTLING = Lesson from "Tattle Tongue"
HONESTY = Lesson from "Ruthies's Big Lie"
SHARING = Lesson about frogs that did not want to share - book "MINE!"
SPARKY = Lesson about Sparky the Fire Dog during Fire Prevention Week.
LYING = Camera that Ruthie found in the book "Ruthie Big Lie"
TEASING = One of the pockets in the book = Chrysanthemum
FIRE PREVENTION = Online movie about Smokey the Bear prevents forest fires.
FAIRNESS: Book that the rabbits did all the work and the bear slept…and the bear was made because the rabbit was not fair BUT like I told the kids would you have shared if you did all the work and others just sat around?- is that fair?